"i hope a whale gets washed onto the beach so that i can push it back into the sea..."

after blogging yesterday, the four of us (kairen, joy, melt and i) decided to take a walk to anywhere just to get out of the house and found ourselves walking into a different part of wildwood we didn't get to see before. i mean, we're always either walking to the supermarket or the laundromat or the bus terminal or the boardwalk.
it was a nice walk. we saw many pretty houses which we wished we could live in, we found the lollipop motel (joy looked like a lollipop yesterday by the way. more like a candy cane.), watched a softball game for a little while and then, we found the beach! i mean, it wasn't the first time we went to the beach here. but yesterday, we found a really beautiful one! the weather was gorgeous and the waves were full of life and we could actually hear them. something about that whole place just made me feel so...happy. joy said the ocean made her sad. so did the guy i met on the aeroplane from singapore to germany. but standing there alone, faraway from my friends with my arms stretched out, pretending that there was noone else around, just filled me with awe. as though all of creation in all its majesty was created just for me, a mere speck in the entire universe. i like how small the ocean makes me feel. i like the ebb and flow of the icy water over my feet. and i like the way the wind messes up my hair. standing there, watching the ocean just stretch out to forever made me feel so thankful to be alive!
and as i was just standing there, i looked down towards my feet in the water and found a huge shell just lying in the sand, as though it was just waiting for me to come pick it up. and so i did and it was beautiful! the others thought it was no big deal but i can't begin to describe how special it made me feel! and as i was strolling along the shore, i found a few more and picked them up as well and ended up walking around with those shells in my hand for quite a bit.
i went back to join the others and found them peering at ladybugs. yes! ladybugs on the beach!!! how fascinating! joy thought they were disgusting. melt was just happily picking them up. i just admired them from afar because i have a love-hate relationship with bugs.
then, we took a slow walk back along the boardwalk and i liked this part of the boardwalk alot because it was quiet and you could still hear the sound of the waves. and along this part of the boardwalk were wooden benches with names engraved on them. i guess they were in memory of people who had passed on and i thought it was such a beautiful thing to have those benches there.
while walking along the boardwalk, we passed a restaurant and heard some tapping on the window. we turned to our right and saw a bunch of old men waving at us from inside the restuarant. shortly after, we heard a telephone ringing. it was from a public phone and there was noone around. we raced to the phone, with the hope of accomplishing our mission impossible dreams. kai picked up the phone and went "chinese food" in the most horrible tone. he went on for a while before he turned around and saw the whole bunch of guys from the restaurant waving at us and one of them was on the phone. we just burst into laughter as kai died of embarrassment. kai, kai...soon we shall do a kai post.
after that, we had dinner next to the panda restaurant, came back, went crazy in the balcony trying to get the attention of mag 2 (the house next to us) and talking nonsense all the way. then, we went to buy ice-cream and as we were coming back, the guys from downstairs intercepted us and made us go to shamrock with them. but we wanted to put our ice-cream back first. then, we walked over to shamrock (the club) where the 3 girls realised they didn't have their ID and so we had to walk back and come back again. the silly part was that we had walked up and down at least 6 times that evening and each time, we had to walk past these group of guys who kept going "konichiwa". this is not the first time i get greeted with a "konichiwa". it's preplexing to me.
ok this post is turning out to be really looooong. so many things happen in a day and i want to remember everything, especially the small little moments. the singing on the streets (with horrible improvisations and harmonising), the running in the rain, joy's childishness, melt's classic lines, our random bouts of craziness, the stitches from laughing so hard about absolutely nothing, laughing at each other's cooking, so many little things....and at the end of the day, i guess i'm just thankful for it all and everything leading up to this moment...
ok, i shall just end off with some more photos. don't we all just love photos...haha.
the lollipop motel

me and my shell (the first one)


after blogging yesterday, the four of us (kairen, joy, melt and i) decided to take a walk to anywhere just to get out of the house and found ourselves walking into a different part of wildwood we didn't get to see before. i mean, we're always either walking to the supermarket or the laundromat or the bus terminal or the boardwalk.
it was a nice walk. we saw many pretty houses which we wished we could live in, we found the lollipop motel (joy looked like a lollipop yesterday by the way. more like a candy cane.), watched a softball game for a little while and then, we found the beach! i mean, it wasn't the first time we went to the beach here. but yesterday, we found a really beautiful one! the weather was gorgeous and the waves were full of life and we could actually hear them. something about that whole place just made me feel so...happy. joy said the ocean made her sad. so did the guy i met on the aeroplane from singapore to germany. but standing there alone, faraway from my friends with my arms stretched out, pretending that there was noone else around, just filled me with awe. as though all of creation in all its majesty was created just for me, a mere speck in the entire universe. i like how small the ocean makes me feel. i like the ebb and flow of the icy water over my feet. and i like the way the wind messes up my hair. standing there, watching the ocean just stretch out to forever made me feel so thankful to be alive!
and as i was just standing there, i looked down towards my feet in the water and found a huge shell just lying in the sand, as though it was just waiting for me to come pick it up. and so i did and it was beautiful! the others thought it was no big deal but i can't begin to describe how special it made me feel! and as i was strolling along the shore, i found a few more and picked them up as well and ended up walking around with those shells in my hand for quite a bit.
i went back to join the others and found them peering at ladybugs. yes! ladybugs on the beach!!! how fascinating! joy thought they were disgusting. melt was just happily picking them up. i just admired them from afar because i have a love-hate relationship with bugs.
then, we took a slow walk back along the boardwalk and i liked this part of the boardwalk alot because it was quiet and you could still hear the sound of the waves. and along this part of the boardwalk were wooden benches with names engraved on them. i guess they were in memory of people who had passed on and i thought it was such a beautiful thing to have those benches there.
while walking along the boardwalk, we passed a restaurant and heard some tapping on the window. we turned to our right and saw a bunch of old men waving at us from inside the restuarant. shortly after, we heard a telephone ringing. it was from a public phone and there was noone around. we raced to the phone, with the hope of accomplishing our mission impossible dreams. kai picked up the phone and went "chinese food" in the most horrible tone. he went on for a while before he turned around and saw the whole bunch of guys from the restaurant waving at us and one of them was on the phone. we just burst into laughter as kai died of embarrassment. kai, kai...soon we shall do a kai post.
after that, we had dinner next to the panda restaurant, came back, went crazy in the balcony trying to get the attention of mag 2 (the house next to us) and talking nonsense all the way. then, we went to buy ice-cream and as we were coming back, the guys from downstairs intercepted us and made us go to shamrock with them. but we wanted to put our ice-cream back first. then, we walked over to shamrock (the club) where the 3 girls realised they didn't have their ID and so we had to walk back and come back again. the silly part was that we had walked up and down at least 6 times that evening and each time, we had to walk past these group of guys who kept going "konichiwa". this is not the first time i get greeted with a "konichiwa". it's preplexing to me.
ok this post is turning out to be really looooong. so many things happen in a day and i want to remember everything, especially the small little moments. the singing on the streets (with horrible improvisations and harmonising), the running in the rain, joy's childishness, melt's classic lines, our random bouts of craziness, the stitches from laughing so hard about absolutely nothing, laughing at each other's cooking, so many little things....and at the end of the day, i guess i'm just thankful for it all and everything leading up to this moment...
ok, i shall just end off with some more photos. don't we all just love photos...haha.
the lollipop motel

me and my shell (the first one)


who you calling childish? hmm?!!
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